This is the southern part of the ring dike showing the new Paterson elevator that is still under construction. On top of this elevator is the VE4CDN repeater which was moved here from St. Jean one week before the dike was closed and the town of Morris evacuated of all but essential personell. The repeater had some overheating problems at the new site and was little used by the ARES operation. If it hadn't been moved though it would have been severly damaged by water. 10th day of operation.
These two pictures are taken from the top of the northern part of the ring dike at hwy 75. The first is looking north at the Hwy 75 bridge over the Morris River and the second is looking south at the ghost town of Morris. Only about 40-50 people left in town as rest have been long evacuated. 11th day of operation.
Click here to see the last of my flood pictures.
Last updated January 12. 2017